I suppose you could argue that people want to live, but how would you substantiate those that commit suicide? You could say that they want peace, but what about those that thrive upon hostility? We could say they want to believe in a Creator, but that isn’t true either. Is there anything that all people want?
Apparently what people want most is to achieve their personal ambitions. If you agree with them you are on their side, but if you don’t, you are then their adversary. It appears that nationally we are noticing this very harsh discourse, but as we focus our attention on our local community we see a similar sharp dissent as well.
Apparently no matter what the issue may be there are people that oppose what is offered. Those who oppose something will usually let you know how much they are against the proposal very vocally. In other words, no one has exclusivity on how things should be run in our town. This is just how people are.
When it comes to what is best for your town, who can truthfully say they know what is best for the citizens? No one can totally do that. No matter what suggestion or issue is proposed, most assuredly someone will disagree. This is a reality we need to accept.
One person mentioned the term civility in reference to this public discourse, which is basically politeness or courtesy. You might think that we would all seek to be polite or courteous, but that is definitely not the case. Some do not prefer civility as a means of handling disputes. Are they wrong for deciding to take such a posture?
In their mind, no, but in the mind of people that practice civility, yes. Again, this is just how people are. Very rarely, if ever, will all the people agree with each other on all accounts. That is an awareness point we must learn to accept. From there perhaps each can leave room for the other to totally express their views as they wish without taking it personally, to heart, considering it as an attack on them.
No matter what the intent of things proposed for our community there will be those who will take issue with it. At the same time there will be others who agree. This is something we must learn to both expect and accept without prejudices. The fact that people are willing to discuss important and relevant issues is a good thing. In order to find remedies to important and relevant issues discussion is needed.
Although the intent, in my mind, is never to cause harm or havoc within the community that may not be how my articles are received. Anyone who speaks out must realize that others won’t always agree with their offering, neither will they always be civil about how they disagree. It is simply how people are; to expect otherwise would be futile.
The good news here for those who really want to see positive change and growth in the community is that we are able to see how huge the gap is between certain factions. Then we will know how long a bridge we will need to build in order to bring the sides closer.
In learning how to solve problems the first step is to realize there is one, then you must analyze it, see what your options are, and then come up with possible solutions. We are learning about step one, which is that we have differences, so now we need to learn how to get to step two and continue toward finding solutions.
For those who have issues with the Sheriff’s office, the Town Council, the school system, street gangs, criminals, noise pollution, graffiti, religious organizations, child care, senior care, or any issue for which there is concern, just realize that, just as you have a stand or an opinion, others do likewise. Some try to practice civility when possible, but that is not always the case; that too is part of our human nature
Knowing this and accepting it as fact should lower the stress that comes with being opposed. To each their own: that is how our democracy works. This is the American way. If you don’t like this system I suppose you can move to another country, but once you see how others solve their differences you might want to come back to America.
Thanks for all your passionate comments and opinions about the issues we face as a community. It would be nice if we could learn how to get along, but if you disagree you have a right to do so and it shouldn’t be taken personally. For those of you that practice civility please realize that it may not be reciprocated. Not all people are alike.
So in the future as contemplative issues are brought to your attention please know that it is okay that you disagree with them. After all, this is a democracy and we are therefore free to state our opinions and/or take issues with things we don’t accept as well.
Perhaps what most people want is to be free to be themselves, no matter how kooky that may appear to others. In a perfect world that may work fine but when what you want interferes with the wants of others it may cause a problem. Therefore it is best to simply learn how to get along with them as best possible, and also how to be yourself in that setting.
Just more "stuff" to think about...
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