I find myself looking at the news and almost instantly getting somewhat depressed at the condition of mankind. It appears that we are in a “hellhole” waiting on the final wall to crumble down over us, finally taking us out of our misery.
The economy is down, crime is up, people are loosing their homes, no jobs to be found, schools are failing, we’re fighting two wars, soldiers are dying, alcohol and drug abuse on the rise; God is being taken out of homes, families and workplaces, road rage on the rise, workplace rage, and the overall picture we see daily is very gloomy. Is that the state of the human condition? Is that the image the world portrays?
If this picture is drilled into our minds each day then eventually we will start believing that it's almost worthless to leave our homes. If things were that bad why even bother? I for one refuse to accept such a gloomy picture. Even though things are very bad in many areas of life, I refuse to give up hope.
There is a lot of good in the world, but that is not what sells through the media. I understand that only bad news sells; not only that, it also paints the image that most people perceive. I say to each of you, recolor your picture!
What we believe to be true has a lot of influence upon how we operate. If you have a negative outlook on life that has an effect upon you just as well as if you have a positive one. Both paint the world you see. Are you willing to allow the news media to tell you how to paint your picture of the world?
In truth there are many great news stories. There are tons of people doing incredible and charitable things, but they usually don’t make the headlines. If you want good news you have to go out and find it for yourself. If you can’t find it easily then why not become the star of your news show and make your own good news story. Try doing something incredibly kind and nice for someone and feature it on your show.
This may not be good advice of each of you, but my suggestion would be to turn off the news for a while. You know it’s going to be gloomy so why punish yourself. Why allow them to paint the picture for you knowing that it will be gloomy? If you consume too much negativity your system will eventually become what you consume. Likewise when you feed your system positive thoughts your system will respond to that kind of input.
I encourage all of you to take back the picture that is being painted for you. We know all those bad things happen, but we do not have to swim in it. We don’t have to allow those thoughts prevail in our minds as our main source of mind-food. Become actively involved in either finding good news or making it. Help someone in need, feed a hungry person or family, help someone who is in distress, do something to save the natural resources, join the green healthy planet movement, teach a child, or there are about a gazillion positive things you can do if you set your mind to it.
Don’t allow Big Brother to tell you what image to accept as the world’s picture. It takes only one bad apple to spoil a whole bunch. For the most part people are not as bad as you think. Out of one hundred people more than 85% will be decent. 10% will be vulnerable to negative behavior and about the remaining 5% may be bad, with only 1% of those being hopeless. I just made up these statistics, but when you think about it, the bad news is committed by a very small percentage of the population. Why allow them to paint the entire picture when they are only a small segment of our population? Re-color your picture of the world. I beg of you!
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